Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome to *eLLa* iNsPiReD

*Hey Guys*

I've been so inspired by the blogs that I consult daily and also by my love of reading and writing to start my own blog :)

Any ideas, thoughts or even criticisms are welcome.

Its in its fledgling stages so watch this space.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Take a look at the latest blog projects I have going.....

Polyvore - Personal Syle Challenge: The Little Black Dress Edition 

Sister project to the group Personal Style Challenge, this challenge calls for you to place your personal stamp on a Little Black Dress.

If faced with a simple black dress how would you style it?
Go on and chose a simple LBD of your choice and style it to your tastes.

Can't wait to see what all of you do!

Project 365 - Document a year in the life of you, one photo at a time

This is a brand new undertaking of mine and a fabulous one at that :) I love photography and this is the ultimate motivation to keep at it. What a fabulous keep sake? You next fabulous year documented day by day, photo by photo.

I have 10 invites to give away so head on over to the site and start saying cheese.......

Project Independence

If you have any big goals or life changing decisions that you would like to achieve start your own PROJECT - name it what ever you would like, even the same as mine and leave the link in the comments section or email me so that I can support you in PROJECT.


Advertise here.....

Advertising on *eLLa* is mainly run through Project Wonderful using their fabulous infinite auction model. Rates are low and vary depending on size and placement. Access to stats and bidding info is available here.

*eLLa* has also joined Indie Style Media so if you would like to advertise through them and their cost per 1000 impressions scheme click here.

I realize the value of a tailored advertising package and encourage those interested to inquire. Rates are available upon request and run on a schedule of a 1 to 3 month campaign. So please contact me at: *eLLa*

I am also always interested in reviewing products as long as it is relevant to my readers and I believe in the product or site. I will only consider doing a paid review if it is a product that I believe in and is relevant to my readers. I reserve the right not to post a review at all. Trading merchandise for ad space is most welcome. I would be particularly interested in reviewing products of companies who are opening stores or bring products to South Africa.

For a comprehensive statistical report detailing the daily, weekly and monthly stats and country visits please contact me at the email address below. 

For any queries please feel free to contact me:

* cOnTaCt *

Got a question?

Want me to write a post on any particular topic?

Want to Guest Post on *eLLa*?

Want me to Guest Post on your blog?

Got an "agony aunt" question?

Or just want to say hi?

Please feel free to fill out the contact form below:

Other ways to contact me are:

or add me on twitter


What is *eLLa*?

*eLLa* is a fun blog aimed at inspiring young women of all ages in all areas of their lives. It aims to keep you motivated and inspired everyday and most of all wants you to have fun with life! Articles are on everything from fashion to money management.

Got any questions or topics you would like to be discussed?

Email me at

Have an inspirational day 


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