Monday, November 30, 2009

Ladies of the Blogisphere - Megan



21 (as of November 21st!)


Home town:
Bristol, UK


Charade (


How did you choose your blogs name?

I wanted a fun, catchy, one-word title that summed up a fabulous lifestyle on a budget and Charade just seemed perfect, I've never had second thoughts about it.

How long have you been blogging for:

Since August 2008, so a little over a year; it's gone so fast!

What made you start your blog:

I wanted a way to share my writing, build up a possible business that was all my own and meet interesting people – I think I've done pretty well with all three!

How did you come up with the concept of your blog? Or has it evolve over time?

I thought long and hard about the direction I wanted to take the blog before starting it, so luckily I've not had to make many changes along the way. The concept was empowerment over your lifestyle, even if you are a student and don't have a great deal of money. I wanted to take that path, and I felt I'd like to share it with other people.

Your blog covers a lot of topics that are relevant to students, are these articles based on your own experiences or does a lot of research go onto each one?
It varies, on the most part they stem from subjects I'm interested in, my own experience and the experiences of people I know, but often they are based completely on research. There are questions that I, as a student, need answering too, so that's how a lot of articles start.


What keeps you inspired to keep blogging?
I just love it, it's really that simple. I think you have to otherwise there's no point. I definitely have off days, but there'll always be something just around the corner that will pick me up, like an email from and inspired reader. Positive feedback probably spurs me on the most, but I also just get a kick out of the whole process of planning and writing articles. 

What are the three blogs that inspire you the most?
I know it's pretty unoriginal, but I have to be honest and say Gala and Nubby, simply because they are absolute beacons of female empowerment and have really taken the reigns of their own careers and seen fabulous success. I've also been immensely inspired by Steve Pavlina. Though I don't agree with everything he says, his ideas on self-employment really motivate me.


What have you learnt from having your own blog?

So much; practical things like html code, how to interact professionally with advertisers and sponsors, the plus points of social media, the power of personal branding and networking, but also how important it is to feel like you're building something up for yourself, sharing your own ideas and gaining a response and a following, coping with making mistakes and learning from them, plus loads more. It's a constant learning curve.

What would you say is necessary for a successful blog?

Like I said above, you have to love what you're doing, but you also have to be willing to experiment (with articles as well as streams of income), be genuine in wanting to help and inspire others, and have lots of spare time to dedicate. Try not to compare yourself to other, bigger blogs too often, because this is a prime de-motivator, just make sure you're learning all the time.

Why do you think your blog is so popular?

That's tough, because I wouldn't say Charade is incredibly popular. I think the reason it has gained the following it does have is simply because I keep at it! That's vital, a hiatus can be devastating to the success of a blog and luckily I've managed not to take one as yet! I hope it's also because they find there is an honest voice behind all of the articles.

What do you friends, family and loved ones say about your blog?

I think they are proud of me, they're always eager to pass on ideas and give me constructive feedback. They've also been super supportive with my projects, like the annual I'm about to release. My sister has even started her own blog.

Do think that you will continue blogging when you leave varsity and enter the working world?



From your blog, we all know you are a creative writing student, what made you go into that field and what year are you?

I'm currently in my second year. I chose creative writing because it's something I've always done and all I really want to do. I was lucky to find such a good course because it's fairly new as a degree option in UK universities.

If you could have any career in the world (other than what you are studying), what would it be and why?

Hmm... A traditional 'career' isn't really my bag, I just want to make it up as I go along, but two things I'd really like to get into are property development (I'm addicted to the TV shows!) and Life Coaching, which I suppose I've already made a step toward with Charade. I think both of these jobs appeal because they are so independent, and I hate the thought of relying on someone else to pay me a wage, especially looking at the current economic climate where a job can be snatched away in the blink of an eye.

Who taught you about fashion and style?

Everybody! I have no one style icon, I think you can take style ideas from anywhere and everywhere: the street, movies, literature, hobbies... etc.


What are your basic wardrobe essentials?

A great pair of comfy, versatile boots; tonnes of cardies and jumpers in varying colours; a selection of accessories that can totally make an outfit, like a statement bag; a white t-shirt; a shirt dress and a couple of jersey dresses and skirts. Ooh, and a beautiful scarf.

What is your fashion "mantra"?

Have fun, make and impression, and be comfortable - they are pretty much the only three reasons to wear clothes at all!

What are your top shopping tips?

1.Don't shop unless you have a clear idea of what you want, whether that be a specific item, a colour palette, or just a 'look' you want to create. 2. Walk out of the shop and comeback at least once before buying, 9 times out of 10 you'll leave and forget all about the item – a sure sign it wasn't worth it. 3. Quality over quantity! Buy less, and buy the best you can afford.

What does your daily make up routine consist of?

I'm terribly lazy when it comes to make-up, but I have fairly bad skin so can't really get out of it! I wear a good covering of foundation, set with pressed powder, slightly sparkly pink 'Bourgois' blusher which I'm addicted to, and a few coats of mascara.

What is your evening/going out make up routine?

As above, plus liquid eyeliner, white pencil to highlight the inner corners of the eye and perhaps a smoky eye shadow.

Aside from writing and your blog what are your other interests and hobbies?

I don't have time for much more! But I love reading and film, and also travel – I'm always planning a trip somewhere! I also love eating out, it's my biggest weakness.

What is your favourite colour?

It's always changing, I love pastels of pink, mint green, dove gray and coral.

I love reading and am always curious as to what peoples favourite books are, what is your favourite book?

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is stunning, but I also love Lynne Reid Banks' The L Shaped Room.

What is your favourite food?

There are too many... But my longest standing favourite is probably Mexican food: fajitas, quesadillas, nachos...drool.

Of all the places you have travelled with is your favourite place and why?
I had the best experience in Japan, just because I've travelled a lot but this was where I had the biggest culture shock. There is a much more respectful attitude between people which I enjoyed (and is often not the case in the UK.) And, of course, the food and the shopping!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

5 Important People

Every lady should in her lifetime have successfully tracked down her ideal 5 people. These people will make your life run much smoother and they should all be on speed dial :)

1.) Your GP - every lady should find her perfect doctor. Someone you gel with, that you are not afraid or embarrassed to open up to. Whether it be male doctors or female doctors that you prefer, young or older. Hunt out someone you feel will see to all your health related issues.

2.) A hairdresser - as I'm sure many of you have experienced, having your haircut can at times not be a pleasant experience and there is nothing worse than walking out of a salon with completely the wrong haircut. So its really worth hunting out a hairdresser that you love. Someone who cuts your hair just how you like it and with whom you get along, whether you are a chatty person or more quiet, your hairdresser should fit your preferences.

3.) A tailor - is a very valuble assets to have. It is very rare that you are always going to get something off the rack that fits you to a tee so finding a good tailor is a must. They can do anything from something as small as sew on a button or take up a hem to completely altering and dress or even creating something from stratch.

4.) A handyman - whether you have a boyfriend who you can call on or not its always a good idea to have the number of a good handyman with reasonable rates who can fix anything from a leak to an electrical prolem. Its important to get someone reliable who you know will do a good job and not rip you off.

5.) A "bank manager" - this could in fact be someon from your bank that you have a good relationship or if you are quite well off your financial advisor but for the rest of us, its simply someone to whom you can turn for sound financial advice. Whether it be investing or how to buy your first car.

Who are indespensible people in your life besides your family and friends? Who do you have on speed dial? :)


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am.....

Quite a good mantra to have. Hopefully all of you lovely ladies have been having a better time than me lately and that if you have been feeling down that this cheers you up :)
Stick it on your mirror and read it aloud everyday.


PS. Replace the "THIN" with BEAUTIFUL

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why don't you....

.......frame one of your favourite pictures of yourself and display it prominently a world map and mark where you've been and where you want to go and use it as an art work

.......bake cupcakes and decorate each one special for a friend or family member

.......wear bright lipstick for no reason

.......paint pictures on your toenails

.......write a letter to your best friend and post it

.......start your own 365 Project and document a year in your life


PS. The submission date for The Blog Carnival has been extended to Wednesday, 25th Nov due to popular demand :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

A new take on 5 a day

 - I discovered this really useful little article that I had snipped out of a magazine many moons ago and wanted to share it with you

Five portions of fruit and veg a day are essential for a healthy diet. Now you can boost your emotional well-being too, with thtese 'get happy' snacks:

1. Laughter
  - The increased flow of natural, feel-good hormones in your brain will leave you on a happy high

2. Optimism
 - A sunny attitude helps stop minor set-backs affecting you in the long run

3. Appreciation
 - Spend a few months moments concentrating on all the brilliant things in your life, like your closet friends, your family and your health

4. Creativity
 - Using your imagination - whether that's writing a diary entry, redecorating your bedroom or taking up a new hobby - lightens up your life

5. Me-Time
Do what makes you happy far at least ten minutes a day, like playing with new make-up tecniques, reading a book or walking your dog

What sort of things do you do? What makes you laught? What are you appreciative for? How do you stay optimistic? What are our creative outlets? What do you do during your me-time/ What areas do you already incorporate into your life? Which do you still have to work on? Leave a comment :)


Blog Carnival Update

Just to remind all of you lovely ladies who still want to submit post for "The Best of The Blogisphere" Blog Carnival in December, this is the last week for entries. All entries must be in by Sunday, 22nd November. So far I have received some really great entries and the line up for the month is full of fabulous content thanks to all you talented bloggers. So be sure to SUBSCRIBE before December so you don't miss a post!

Here are the entry details one more for those of you who missed it before or simply need a refresher:

Theme: Best of the Blogisphere

Time: 10 AM  (Time Zone +2:00)

Date: 1 December 2009

Place: *eLLa* iNsPiReD


So, how it works is that anyone and everyone can submit articles that fit with the theme. The theme, Best of the Blogisphere, means that the article are going to be the favourite and most populr articles from your blog that readers go back and read over and over or are the type of post people print out and use as a resource. New, never been posted before articles are most welcome. I'm looking for a mix of fun and frivolous, informational and even a little serious. Any format is accepted, lists, point form, poems, quotes, pictures, long article, short articles. Each posts with have your blogs name and URL prominently displayed at the top of the post giving the writer full credit. 

 - All articles will be read and selected by me
 - Not all articles will be posted
 - Please state the date and URL of the post at the top of your entry
 - Please state clearly if the article is a newly written, never before published piece
 - Each blog may submit no more than 10 posts
 - Each participant must write a short post during the month of December stating that they are taking part

All entries must be emailed to me at You can either attach the post in word format or list all your entries with their specific URL next to it. I will inform all applicants of the article I am going to post and the dates they will be posted. Only posts received prior to the closing date will be featured.


For those of you who are taking part or who are still getting your submissions together please feel free to blog about the carnival on your site before Sunday so that as many people as possible have a chance to enter. Either link to this post or the previous one or simply copy and paste the entry details into a post. Lets give as many people as possible an opportunity to take part!

Lets end the year off with a bang and show each other our best work :) Please leave a comment should anything be unclear or otherwise contact me for any further details regarding your submission. I really love hearing from you :)


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wedding Inspirations

I've never really been one of those little girls who dreamed about her wedding and what it would be like, what my dress would look like ect. In fact I was never really sure that I would ever get married. I'm quite the independent with dreams of making it on my own before I get married. I want to be able to bring my share of the bacon home. However, roughly two years ago my sister got married and I was the maid of honor and I watched her plan her wedding from behind her laptop and had a first hand showing of what goes into a wedding. Since then I've been to quite a few weddings and many of my friends are talking of engagement and weddings and some of them are married or are getting married within months. So, after attending a wedding with my boyfriend last weekend I finally started thinking seriously about what I would like my day to be like and here are some really awesome sources of inspiration:

The dress in the middle is absolutely breath taking and I've always loved dresses that have had that nekline

I've always been partial to a garden wedding

I love the seating on the right hand side, perfect for while the appetizers are being served and you are off taking photo's

I just love these decorations and the fushia pink colour

Isn't this cake so much fun? :)

Original bouquets

I love this idea, think I might just use it one day - it has such movement to it

Fun photo ideas, really love this - so going to do it

So cute :)

Love the umbrella's

So, are you one of those girls that has been dreaming of her weeding since she could talk? Or are you a late bloomer like me? Anyone used any of these ideas in their weddings? As always, share your thoughts - Leave a comment :)


Thursday, November 12, 2009

10 Signature Fashion and Beauty Items

Quintessential LBD – it doesn't actually have to be black, view it more as the perfect dress that works for all occasions whatever you style it should represent you

Heavenly Heels – find your crowning jewel of heels, a pair that goes with your wardrobe meaning you can wear it with everything and that are a dream to walk in

Ultimate Coat – whether it be a full trench or a cropped style, find your perfect go to coat in a colour, print and style that is versatile for your look

Go To Pants – whether they are jeans or a pair of wide leg sacks or even a pair of cargo pants create a signature outfit with these pants as an item you can always fall back on

Statement Jewellery Piece – one accessory that is unique to you, something that people recognise you by, whether it's a ring, brooch, pin, earrings or a watch, something that makes you feel uniquely you

Lavish Handbag – you use it every day and it should be a bold statement of who you are, find something that is very "you" and that fits in with the style of your wardrobe

Signature Scent – find a scent that that you love that sets you apart from the rest, it can be a body spray or a perfume that makes you feel amazing and distinguishes you from everyone else

Perfect Polish – everyone should have a "signature" colour that they use that represents them, whether it be fun patterned toe nails or blood red fingernails or the absence of nail polish for a neat and natural look

Statement Lip Colour – every woman should find their perfect lip colour, the one that compliments their skin to perfection and gives them that polished and put together look

Ideal Haircut – every young woman should spend time being adventurous with their hair to find out whether long or short hair suits them and what their "ideal cut" is

What are your signature items? Do you have everything on this list? What would you add? What is your ideal polish, scent and lip colour? Are you still looking for your signature pieces? Leave a comment :)


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2010 Soccer - Must See Destinations

As most of you know South Africa will be hosting the 2010 Soccer which is so exciting. So I'm going to be doing a series focusing on really great places that you really should visit and things to do if you are coming down. All these places are must see's and visits for anyone visiting Cape Town and the surroundig areas anytime of the year.

Here are the must see destinations:

  1. Moyo Restaurant
  2. Spier Wine Estate
  3. Franchoek
  4. Table Mountain
  5. V&A Waterfront
  6. Cape Town Tour Bus
  7. Stellenbosch Wine Estate's 
  8. Robben Island
  9. Vredenheim Lion's
  10. Fun Activities in and around Cape Town 
  11. Traveling tips and tricks for South Africa
So keep checking back over the next few months as the 2010 Soccer approaches to get all the info you need for the best tourist that should not be missed. Subscribe to keep up to date!

Have any of you ever visited South Africa or Cape Town specifically? What were your favourite destinations? Let me know, leave a comment!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Wedding Guest Makeup

Here are my suggestions for flawless, flattering wedding guest makeup step by step:

Before you start it is in opinion that you need to make sure that you have moisturized skin. Make sure you are using the correct moisturizer for your skin type. I would even go as far as saying that it is a good idea to apply a moisturizing mask to your skin to guarantee soft supple skin as there is nothing worse than applying makeup to dry skin. The better condition that your skin is in, the less makeup you need to give your skin a flawless finished look.

Step one – apply a sheer tinted moisturizer or “smart makeup” foundation which gives a sheer coverage without caking the skin. The look you are going for is smooth flawless skin that is natural. It also allows for a great base for eye shadow and lip colour.

Step two – once you have you coverage you should move through your routine from the “top down” so to speak. Start with the eyes and work your way down. I like to stay with nice neutral palette when it comes to eye shadow and create impact in other areas. I usually apply a smoky brown colour to the lid, it is also a great colour to blend with. I then apply silver to the brow bone to highlight and widen the eyes.

Step three – finish off the eyes by lining the top lid from corner to corner. If you like to you can line the lower lid but for me this can be a bit harsh for wedding makeup. Lastly, coat the lashes with two coats of mascara making sure to coat each tiny lash for real impact.

Step four – working your way down the face, the cheeks are the next area. While in my everyday routine I like the sheer flush of colour that a cream blush provides, when it comes to special occasion make up, especially when photos are a factor, I like the bright pop of colour that powder blush provides. I usually like a rosy pink colour but always use a colour that suits your skin tone. Another technique that can be used for a really bright cheek is to layer cream blush with a powder on top to gradually build more colour.

Step five – the final step is to choose you lip colour and type. I like to use lip tints, Bloom Cosmetics does a great line of lip tints that are moisturizing and not too harsh. They have the feel of a lip balm and also contain natural oils like avocado and scents of vanilla as well as an SPF of 8. Gloss is also a good option but can be a bit messy when it comes to eating and drinking. Lipstick is of course also a good choice but I find that it can be a bit drying to my lips. Again, go with a colour that suits your skin tone. I am a fan of berry colours as well as reds to make a statement.

A good rule of thumb to have whenever you are applying makeup is to pick one area, to emphasize, eyes, cheeks or lips and make that the focal point instead of having dark eyes, bright cheeks and a strong lip all competing against one another.

Do you change your make up routine for special occasions or events? What are your makeup secrets? What do you think of my approach to special occasion makeup? Leave a comment!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yet another brief disappearance

I am going to a "destination wedding" this weekend. Its a small little picturesque town about 3 hours away and we are staying there for the weekend and I have other festivities planned for the begining of next week and so I will only be returning next week Wednesday. There will be plenty to keep you busy so as usual, check back regularly and while you are at it why not subscribe.

Please comment away and I will try my best to keep up with everything while I'm away!


Ladies of the Blogisphere - A


23, almost 24!

The Glamourous Grad Student

How did you choose your blogs name?

Well, I'm a grad student, and at the time I was trying to go in a more glamourous direction with my style! So it made sense. Not sure what I'll do when I graduate though!!

How long have you been blogging for:

It's been almost 2 years

How did you come up with the concept of your blog? Or has it evolve over time / Do you write based on your own experience or does a lot of research go into each post: 
I started blogging just to keep track of my thoughts about my own style. In college I didn't really have a sense of who I was or how I wanted to present myself to the rest of the world and when I started grad school this started to change, one realization at a time. I didn't want to forget those lightbulb moments (like when it suddenly hit me precisely why jeans were never going to work for me no matter how militantly the fashion magazines proclaimed their necessity) so I started the blog as a place to jot them all down! It has definitely evolved as I have also grown. I still write about my own experiences but I also feel more confident giving my own opinion or advice, and putting my own experiences into a broader context.

What keeps you inspired to keep blogging / Where do the ideas for you posts come from:
I keep blogging because every day through all kinds of media, women are presented with the most ridiculous standards and the most baffling and contradictory messages about lifestyles, fashion, beauty... Everything! It seems to me that our society moves the goalposts of what it means to be attractive and successful and whatnot to often that it's impossible to be ever reach them and most of the time they're not where you want to be anyways. My ideas come from my own experiences of taking a more personal, individual and somewhat more reliable approach to feeling beautiful, stylish and happy by discovering what works for me.

What are the three blogs that inspire you the most:
I am inspired by Sarah Von of Yes and Yes, who is just so incredibly natural, witty and adventurous. I read a lot of blogs, and enjoy them all in different ways, but Sarah is the one of a kind.

What have you learnt from having your own blog:
Well, I know a heap about HTML that I didn't know before!

What would you say is necessary for a successful blog:
I think it really depends on what successful means to you. Is it a large following, a small but loyal readership, an active community of commenters? Do you want a blog that you can earn a living from or one that is recognized and linked back to be other bloggers, or one that is noticed by PR people who'll send you free goodies? Success means different things to different people. In most cases though, strong content, regular updates and a clean, uncluttered blog design is always helpful.

Why do you think your blog is so popular: 
I don't really think of my blog as being popular... Popularity was never a goal of mine when I started blogging. I just wanted to write down my thoughts. With hindsight perhaps that was what made my blog a little different. I'm not a fashion expert, I've no professional knowledge or education in the fashion world. I just write from my own experiences and I think other woman relate to what I write.

Do think that you will continue blogging when you leave varsity and enter the working world:
Good question! I really have no idea.

From your blog, we all know you are a graduate student busy with your PH D (correct me if I’m wrong), what field of study are you in and what made you go into that field and what year are you?
If you could have any career in the world (other than what you are studying), what would it be and why:

Yes, I'm a PhD student, hopefully finishing up in the next year or so. I'm a scientist, and what I do just suits my personality very well. I like logic, and am really analytical, so I actually enjoy working with numbers and statistics. I'm geek chic and proud of it! Also, academics are such a lovely lot to be around! In an alternate universe, where I had a head for business, I could totally see myself owning and running a patisserie bakery.

Who taught you about fashion and style:
I approached fashion and style in a really left-brained kind of way. I've been known to use equations for permutations to work out how many outfits can be made from a collection of clothes. When I first got into style I became very observant of what other people were wearing. On the street, on TV shows, in movies... I would visit The Sartorialist a lot and analyze the photos I liked to see what it was that I liked in them. It all made me very aware of what's out there, style-wise, and what I like and don't like.

What are your basic wardrobe essentials:
Cami tops and knits for layering, figure-hugging skirts, medium-heel shoes and boots and cute coats.

What is your fashion mantra:

I try to follow Coco Chanel's advice: "A girl should be two things... classy and fabulous"

What are your top shopping tips:
Research! Use the internet to see what's in stores and avoid disappointment and impulse buying.

What does your daily make up routine consist of:
Not a whole lot, really! I like to keep my daytime makeup pretty, natural and minimal. I use concealor, foundation powder and a pretty blush, a stain and some balm for the lips and a little neutral shadow, liner and mascara for the eyes.

What is your evening/going out make up routine:
I don't go out much so I don't have a routine for this! I might line my eyes a little heavier or wear a jewel-toned shadow, but I still keep things pretty simple, even at night.

Aside from writing and your blog what are your other interests and hobbies:
I love baking. Cupcakes are my specialty but I'm branching out into pies! I like to swim and cycle too, and like to run once the scenery's nice! I like to hang out with my dog, and my darling boyfriend of course. I also quite like to dance but I've never had a scrap of formal training. I'd like to change that!

I love reading and am always curious as to what peoples favourite books are, what is your favourite book:
There's a special place in my heart for Sherlock Holmes!

What is your favourite food:

I love Chinese food and could pretty much have it every day.

Of all the places you have traveled with is your favourite place and why:

Paris and Vienna are my favourite cities, places where I feel very at ease and at home.

 - PLEASE NOTE: All pictures are property of The Glamourous Grad Student and may not be copied without permission.


Monday, November 2, 2009

The Importance of Education

Investing money in education is never ever going to be a waste. Essentially, you are investing in yourself and turning yourself into a sellable commodity. While having a sterling education will not by any means guarantee you a job but will definitely put you way a head of the pack in terms of "hire-ability".

Choosing what to study can be a daunting task and very overwhelming as there are so many options out there. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering what to study:

  • what are specific set of skills and talents
  • the long term monetary success of your chosen career, are you skills more suited markets in other countries
  • the future prospects of your skills, will they last the test of time, continual learning and education is important
  • Most NB of all – will you enjoy your job, do not choose a career based on prestige and money
Whilst many students are lucky enough to have parents who pay for their tertiary education, there are also many who don't and need to find avenues of self finance.

There are 3 main options open to you:

  1. Yourself – start working from when you are in school, take a part-time job and save up. Continue working through college. There are many students who support themselves this way.
  2. Bursaries and scholarships – the best way to find information about these are to check with the institutions you are applying to and apply for as many as you qualify for. Competition can be very tough. The facts that go in to selection are things like: needs, family assets, family income, the course you are applying for, and your marks and ability as a student. Another option is to approach large companies write letters to them/emails and include a copy of your CV, references and photocopies of your qualifications.
  3. Loans – when all else fails there is always the option of taking a loan. This is what is called a good investment; you are investing in your ability, potential and skills. But, remember debt is still debt and has to be paid off. Always try to borrow the minimum by taking a part time job and supplementing your loan.
Options for loaning money:

  1. Your parents employers: many employers will give interest-free or very low interest loans to employees to help educate their children
  2. A future employer: if you are fortunate enough to find someone who will employ you after you have qualified they will often assist you with a loan. Sometimes they even allow you to wok the loan off by working for them for a certain amount of time after graduating in place of paying the loan back
  3. Your parents' home loan: home loans have a very low preferential interest rate of up to 3% below the prime rate at which the bank normally loans money
  4. Banks: student loans are offered by almost every bank with low interest and they often have a package deal bank account with lots of perks
How to qualify for a bank loan:

  1. The amount you can borrow – this depends from bank to bank and on what you are going to study
  2. Interest rates – this also varies according to the course you are going to do, one that leads you to becoming a highly paid graduate with get you lower interest rates, unfair I know. However, all rates for all loans are below prime and postgraduate students often get interest rates that are half the prime rate.
  3. Loan repayment periods – if you are a full-time student you have to pay the interest on your loan monthly and pay the actual amount in the same amount of time as it took you to study your course once you graduate. If you are a part time student you are required to pay both the interest and start repaying your loan while you study.
  4. Security – you have to have someone, like a parent, to sign surety on the loan if something happens and you can't. You also have to take out life insurance to cover accident death or disability so that the bank still gets its money back.
  5. If you fail or drop out – if you fail you will not get a loan for the next year and if you drop out you have to pay back the amount just as if you had finished.
  6. Other benefits – banks usually have special student account packages which lets you take advantage of loads of different benefits offered by the bank. However, be very careful if they issue you with a credit card, it's not free money, its more debt.
  7. Renewal – you have to renew you loan each month by sending your exam results to prove you passed as well as proof that you have registered as a student for the following year.
How are you guys financing your studies? Are studies as expensive overseas as they are here in South Africa? Where any of you lucky enough to get bursaries and scholarships? Leave a comment!


Sunday, November 1, 2009


In the month of December *eLLa* iNsPiReD is going to be hosting a Blog Carnival.

Theme: Best of the Blogisphere

Time: 10 AM  (Time Zone +2:00)

Date: 1 December 2009

Place: *eLLa* iNsPiReD


So, how it works is that anyone and everyone can submit articles that fit with the theme. The theme, Best of the Blogisphere, means that the article are going to be the favourite and most populr articles from your blog that readers go back and read over and over or are the type of post people print out and use as a resource. New, never been posted before articles are most welcome. I'm looking for a mix of fun and frivolous, informational and even a little serious. Any format is accepted, lists, point form, poems, quotes, pictures, long article, short articles. Each posts with have your blogs name and URL prominently displayed at the top of the post giving the writer full credit. 

 - All articles will be read and selected by me
 - Not all articles will be posted
 - Please state the date and URL of the post at the top of your entry
 - Please state clearly if the article is a newly written, never before published piece
 - Each blog may submit no more than 10 posts
 - Each participant must write a short post during the month of December stating that they are taking part

All entries must be emailed to me at You can either attach the post in word format or list all your entries with their specific URL next to it. I will inform all applicants of the article I am going to post and the dates they will be posted. Only posts received prior to the closing date will be featured.


I really hope all of you will take part, am looking forward to seeimg all your entries. This is a great opprtunityto get your blog out there to new readers. What do you think of the idea? Are you going to take part?
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