Like most other females I love handbags...... They can be the crowning glory on a fabulous outfit and contain all your necessities. In my opinion there are 5 handbags that every women should have. I, myself am in the process of rooting through mine and replacing all my old bargain purchases with good quality investment bags that will last me many year to come.
The quintessential bag. Every women should own a staple black bag in my opinion. It is the "backbone" of one's handbag collection. Versatile and classic this should be a design that you adore. I myself am rather partial to a more relaxed handbag and being short petite, I look for a medium sized bag so as not overpower my frame.
Brown is a nice alternative to black and a chance to mix it up a bit. I am partial to a sold chocolate brown with few details as I think it can look cheap. The brown bag I have at the moment has a "snake skin" texture to it which I must admit is not usually my style but because of the dark colour it isn't glaringly obvious and had depth to the look.
I am a sucker for a fabulous soft white handbag and love it even more when the interior lining is something fun. My favourite bag ever was a soft white slouchy style bag with a fabulous purple interior. I am at the moment searching for my ultimate white bag and am hopeful as white is a big trend this summer.
I love the look of a tan handbag and think that a simple outfit of a white tank, jeans, gladiator sandals and a tan bag is one of my favourite looks. Its different from the black and brown as it tones things down a bit and gives a more relaxed feel and can be used in a more casual ensemble. I am still on the search for the perfect tan addition to my happy family of bags, and am currently lusting after a tan tote a friend recently bought home from a trip to France.
I love the look of a metallic bag. In my opinion it just lifts the look of an outfit to another level. It ads so much fun to an outfit and goes with virtually anything. In my post covering the latest Spring trends: SpRiNg HaS sPrUnG I spoke about metallics and how I intended to incorporate the look into my wardrobe via a fabulous bag. I am happy to report that I have infact found said bag, the down side is, is that it is a little pricey but I think Im just going to go crazy and get it because I just love it.
Because you can never to prepared its always a good idea to have a bag in a fabulous colour. Anything you choose. It can be in a colour you always wear, or your favourite colour or simply something that you saw and loved just because of the way it looked. The choice is yours. Feel inspired and have some fun. I, myself have a fabulous red bag that i wip out to add spice and pizazz to a casual look. It is always encouraged to have more than one colour so go crazy and add a few pops of colour to your collection.
What is your go to handbag? Do you have one specific bag that you live out of or do you have a collection? How many bags do you have? And what do you think every women should have in their collect? Comment away!
Have an inspirational day
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