I am crazy busy with studies at the moment and all of my assignments are due by the end of next month and I have 6 to do!!!! All of them essay assignments and research projects, sigh.
So, my mind is mostly in the books for the moment and here are a few tips and tricks for those busy study periods:
- make sure you have enough space, a large table where you can stretch out and makes piles is my preference
- have good internet access for research and possible queries that come up as you go
- make sure you have access to a printer so you can easily have access to copies of important documents
- colour code your files and make sure everything has their own space to keep subject separate
- file away as you go so you don't end up with a big old pile of random papers
- make sure you have enough pens and paper as well as staples, glue, ect whatever you need
I have a few interesting projects of my own going on at the moment that I'm hoping to get off the ground soon in between the madness so hopefully I will be sharing them all with you soon!!

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